Amol Joshi, Interior Designer

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Romancing With Raindrops

Monsoon is a magical season, especially for us Mumbaites. As the hot and humid month of May comes closer to its end, the news of monsoon's movement towards Kerala, Goa and Konkan starts catching one's attention. Summer does offer its own incentives in the form of vacations, mangoes and ice-creams; but the rising mercury and humidity both make us eagerly await the soothing raindrops.

This time, after many years, monsoon has arrived well on time; even before the schools have reopened, reminding me of my childhood. I still remember that thrill me and my sister used to experience while shopping the new all-season footwear, raincoat and umbrella. Rain showers used to welcome us on the very first day of the brand new academic year. And stepping out in the rains, with the new monsoon-gear on was a real fun. Childhood was that phase of our life when water logging only meant 'jumping-japang' and not checking the alternative routes for commuting to office. For me, the real magic of monsoon is in the fact that in spite of having experienced almost 30 monsoon seasons; the delight of catching the first raindrops of the forthcoming season has not subsided even by a slightest bit. Mother Nature flourishes during this season even in the lanes and by-lanes of Mumbai and lends a vivacious touch to its concrete jungle.

This year's monsoon is not even one week old yet and the talk of monsoon trip has already started making rounds on whats app. I do love going out to enjoy rains. A walk in Borivali national park, bhutta on Worli sea face, a trek in Sahyadris or a long drive in Konkan or Deccan Ghat- these and many more such exciting ways of enjoying monsoon add to the fun.But I equally enjoy a more peaceful rendezvous with monsoon wherein I simply stand in my balcony- with a ginger flavoured tea in one hand and the other hand stretched out to catch some of the falling raindrops. I can spend a whole of Sunday afternoon lazying around in my balcony trying to embrace the tiny droplets. These are the times when I truly appreciate the presence of a balcony in my home. During my college-days, there have been instances when I have spent hours in the balcony with raindrops and my camera to accompany me. These are the times when I have captured beautiful pictures of raindrops falling from rose buds or chai patti growing in our home-garden.

During monsoon, I used to enjoy watching people move around trying to save themselves from getting wet or kids playing football from the balcony of my previous residence. Human beings have been replaced by squirrels, parrots and robins when I stand in the balcony of my new residence. It is fun watching them run for a shelter when it is raining and cautiously come out of it when the rainfall has subsided. If you wish to enjoy the movement of clouds and transformation of weather, you should get straight to your terrace or should be lucky to have a flat on one of the higher floors. A friend of mine can enjoy clouds passing by the Global Vipassana Pagoda through the full height windows of her flat situated on the seventh floor. It gets windy just before the rainfall and when it rains, raindrops keep knocking at the window-panes while she enjoys romantic music. She says, when she lets a few droplets fall on her face through the open windows she gets her natural spa therapy done! If I ever get a chance to reside at a higher floor I will definitely get a French window sitting done in my living room. I feel it is the best thing a foodie monsoon lover can ever have. Romantic numbers playing in the background, greenery all around, fresh air, refreshing raindrops, delighted home-grown plants to accompany, a cup of ginger flavoured tea with a plate full of kanda bhaji. Heaven!

- Kalindi Amol Joshi 
  with Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors

Whether you need a French window sitting or space developed for gardening or may be a complete make-over of your residence; please do contact:

 * Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors, Kandivli, Mumbai. *

@ 9967534621 @ For more details, click here ------>>>