Amol Joshi, Interior Designer

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

गणपती बाप्पांची मॅनेजमेंटची पाठशाळा

‘अरे ऐकलस का! वीस दिवसांवर गणपती आलेत. दोन रविवार आहेत मध्ये फक्त! ह्या वर्षी मखर कसा करायचा काही ठरवलं आहेस कि नाही?’ – सौ.

‘हो तर! कल्पना डोक्यात तयार आहे. बच्चे कंपनीला हाताशी धरून प्रत्यक्षात उतरवायची तेवढी बाकी आहे. पाहुण्यांची यादी केली आहेस का तू? मखरासाठी लागणाऱ्या सामानाची यादी करतो मी तयार. श्री.

‘गुरुजींना फोन करायची जबाबदारी माझी.’ – श्रींचे वडील

ह्या अशाच काहीशा संवादांनी घरोघरी गणपती बाप्पाच्या आगमनाची तयारी सुरु होते. जागोजागी भक्तांच्या घरी भेट देण्यास सज्ज असलेल्या गणपतीच्या मुर्त्या दिसू लागतात आणि लागलीच तयारीला किती दिवस राहिले आहेत हाताशी ह्याची मोजदाद होते. मग ‘तयारीला सुरुवात केली पाहिजे बर आता’ असं घरी फर्मान निघत आणि कामाची यादी, कामाचं वाटप, प्रत्येक गोष्ट कधीपर्यंत आटोपली पाहिजे त्याच वेळापत्रक, लागणार सामान-सुमन व खर्चाचा अंदाज ह्याबद्दल चर्चा होते. त्यानंतर प्रत्येक जण उत्साहाने आपापल्या कामाला लागतो.

दरवर्षी नित्यनेमाने होणारी हि गणेशोत्सवाची तयारी म्हणजे आजच्या युगात ज्या व्यवस्थापनशास्त्राला अनन्यसाधारण महत्व प्राप्त झाले आहे त्या अभ्यासशाखेतील ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजमेंट ह्या विषयाचे साधे, सोप्पे, घरगुती परंतु तितकेच प्रभावशाली उदाहरण आहे हे बरेचदा आपल्या लक्षात येत नाही. हि तयारी फारशी औपचारीक पद्धतीने केली जात नसल्यामुळे ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजमेंटच्या दृष्टीने कधी त्याबद्दल विचार केला जात नाही. परंतु एक इंटेरियर डिझायनर असल्यामुळे सतत प्रोजेक्ट बद्दल विचार केला जातो माझ्याकडून आणि त्यामुळेच हि गणेशोत्सवाची व ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजमेंटची सांगड सुचली मला. 

वर्षातून एकदाच, एका ठराविक काळासाठी साजरा होणारा गणेशोत्सव एका प्रोजेक्टच्या रूपानेच येतो नाही का. गणपतीची मूर्ती, पाहुणेमंडळी, प्रसाद, मखर व गृहसजावट ह्या आणि अशा विविध मुख्य कामांची एक यादीच करावी लागते तयारीला सुरुवात करताना. हीच नाही का आपली ‘टास्क लिस्ट’. ह्या कामांचे मग वाटप होते व घरातील प्रत्येक सदस्यास काही ना काही तरी काम दिले जाते. कामाचे वाटप करताना आपण नकळतपणे प्रत्येक सदस्याच्या क्षमतेचा व कौशल्याचा विचार करतो. म्हणजे अगदी शाळकरी मुले असली घरात तरी त्यांची कामातून सुटका नसते. त्यांना ‘सोसायटीमधील’ आमंत्रितांची यादी देऊन सगळ्यांना आमंत्रण करण्यास पिटाळले जाते. हे घरोघरी जाण्याचे धावपळीचे काम लहान मुलांची शारीरिक उर्जा ह्या कौशल्याचा विचार करूनच तर त्यांना दिले जाते. हाच नियम इतर कामांच्या बाबतीत लागू पडतो. थोडक्यात काय, तर ‘डेलीगेशन ऑफ टास्क्स’ ह्या ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजमेंटच्या महत्वाच्या घटकाचा आपण नकळतपणे अवलंब करतो. आता प्रत्येकजण आपल्या वाट्याला आलेलं काम व्यवस्थित पार पडाव म्हणून मुख्य ‘टास्क’ला ‘सब-टास्क’मध्ये विभागतो. शिवाय कोणत काम कधीपर्यंत झाल पाहिजे ह्याचादेखील मनातल्या मनात हिशोब मांडला जातो. कधीकधी एखाद काम दुसऱ्या एखाद्या कामावर अवलंबून असतं. मोदक करण्याची जबाबदारी सासू-सुनेने मिळून घेतली असेल, परंतु त्यासाठी लागणार सामान आणण्याची जबाबदारी जर सासारेबुवांची असेल तर आधी त्यांचं काम पार पडण आवश्यक असतं. कामाचं वेळापत्रक आखताना ह्या अशा ‘डीपेन्डंट टास्क्स’चा विचारदेखील करावा लागतो. शिवाय लागणार सामान कुठून आणायचं, खर्चाची मर्यादा काय असावी, वरकामाला वा इतर कुठल्या कामाला जास्तीच मनुष्यबळ हवं का इत्यादी इतरही काही बाबींचा विचार करावा लागतो. सरतेशेवटी कुटुंबातील तसेच इतर मंडळी दिलेलं काम वेळेत व व्यवस्थित पार पाडत आहेत कि नाही ह्यावर स्वतःचे काम करता करता देखरेख ठेवणारी एक ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजरदेखील आवश्यक असते.

आता पटलं ना कि दरवर्षी गणपती बाप्पा येती ‘मॅनेजमेंटचे धडे शिकवाया.

गणेशोत्सव जवळ आला कि कित्येक घरांमध्ये गृहसजावटीचे काम हाती घेतले जाते. घरातील ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजरमग आमच्यासारख्या ‘इंटेरियर डीझायनरवर’ हि जबाबदारी सोपवतात व त्यांच्या घरातील गणेशोत्सव ह्या ‘प्रोजेक्ट’च्या बरोबरीने आमचे ‘प्रोजेक्ट’ सुरु होते.

आमच्या ‘प्रोजेक्ट’मध्ये सुद्धा अथ पासून इतिपर्यंत अनेक बारकाव्यांकडे लक्ष पुरवावे लागते. घराचे ‘इंटिरियर’ असल्यास सुरवातीला किती सदस्य आहेत, त्यांच्या काय गरजा आहेत, त्यांच्या काय कल्पना आहेत हे सर्व विचारात घ्यावे लागते. व्यावसायिक अथवा कार्यालयीन वापरासाठीची जागा असल्यास; किती कर्मचारी आहेत, कामाचे स्वरूप काय आहे, ग्राहकांची ये-जा किती प्रमाणात व कोणत्या कारणासाठी असेल अशा सर्व गोष्टी लक्षात घ्याव्या लागतात. मग नक्की काय-काय करावे लागणार आहे, त्यासाठी कोणते व किती सामान लागेल, कामगार कोणते व किती दिवसांसाठी लागतील ह्याचा विचार करून खर्चाचा तसेच वेळेचा अंदाज काढावा लागतो. त्यावर ‘क्लायेंट’बरोबर चर्चा झाली कि मग आमच्या ‘प्रोजेक्ट मॅनेजमेंटचा पुढचा व महत्वाचा टप्पा सुरु होतो. तपशीलवार ‘डिझाईन’ तयार करणे. त्यानुसार कामांची क्रमवार रचना करणे. मग जी कामे प्रथम हाती घ्यायची असतील त्यासाठीचे सामान व कामगार ह्यांची व्यवस्था करणे. त्यासाठी ‘क्लायेंट’च्या मदतीने पैशांची व्यवस्था करणे. पाठवण्यात आलेले सामान योग्य त्या दर्जाचे आहे कि नाही ह्यावर लक्ष ठेवणे. सुरु असलेल्या कामावर देखरेख ठेवणे व त्याची वेळेत सांगता होते आहे कि नाही ते पाहणे. ते आटोपत आले कि लागलीच पुढील कामाची तयारी सुरु करणे. आमचे काम हे असेच अखंड सुरु राहते, ठरवलेल्या तारखेपर्यंत ‘प्रोजेक्ट’ समाप्त करण्यासाठी.

अहो, ‘इंटिरियर डिझायनर’ असलो तरी आमचे काम फक्त ‘डिझाईन’ तयार केले म्हणजे आटोपत नाही ना. म्हणून हा सर्व खटाटोप, ‘क्लायेंट’चा खटाटोप वाचवण्यासाठी. कारण तेच तर काम आहे ना आमचं. ‘क्लायेंट’च्या जागेचा कायापालट करण्याची संपूर्ण जबाबदारी शिरावर घेतल्यावर त्यांना निव्वळ रंगसंगती व इतर पसंतीसाठी तसेच गरजेनुसार, टप्या-टप्याने आर्थिक बाबींमध्ये लक्ष घालावे लागावे व इतर सर्व व्यवस्थापन हे आपले कर्तव्य असावे हाच तर आमच्या सेवेमागील उद्देश आहे.

गणेशोत्सवाआधी पूर्ण करावयाची ‘प्रोजेक्ट्स’ मी नुकतीच पूर्ण केली. चांगलं काम केल्याचं समाधान देऊन गेलीत ती ‘प्रोजेक्ट्स’ मला. आपलं ‘गणेशोत्सव’ हे ‘प्रोजेक्ट’ मात्र अजूनही जोरदार सुरु असेल नाही. ते व्यवस्थित पार पडाव व आपणास आनंद देऊन जावं हीच आमची सदिच्छा. पुढे जाऊन ‘दिवाळी’ हे ‘प्रोजेक्ट’ जेव्हा हाती घ्याल तेव्हा आमची काही मदत होणार असल्यास जरूर कळवावे. आम्ही आपली सेवा करण्यास सदैव उत्सुक आहोत. 

गणपती बाप्पा मोरया! 

- अमोल विश्वास जोशी 

Monday, May 26, 2014

7 RCR: Hopes Reside Here

The world has witnessed the most sensational democratic and political battle of our times through the 2014 Loksabha elections, the outcome of which has created history. Narendra Modi and his political party came out with flying colors to make BJP the first non-Congress political party to bag clear majority. Narendra Modi, during the electoral campaign, was chosen as the brand ambassador of the much needed change and now, after his election and today's oath ceremony, the country expects a revolution that we all hope will lead us to become a 'developed country'. In addition to many other factors that made people believe in Narendra Modi as our leader is the fact that his journey to this level begun as a common man who once struggled to make ends meet. That's the precise reason he stands as an inspiration for today's youth and hence everyone today wants to know everything about him. Literally, everything! How has been his childhood, how were his early RSS days, who form his family, how he and hence his wife sacrificed their marital lives, how he manages to dress so well, how techno-savvy he is... Well, the list goes on. 

Talking of my curiosity, the Interior Designer's mind that I own is interested in knowing how Narendra Modi's residence as the Prime Minister of India will be. I googled for information and came across some interesting facts. India did not have an official Prime Minister's residence earlier. Prime Ministers lived in their own house or bungalow allotted to them for being a Member of Parliament. It is only when Prime Minister V P Singh shifted to Panchavati - 7 Race Course Road, where the earlier Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi lived during his tenure; that India got its official Prime Minister's residence.

Though named Panchavati, the Prime Minister's residence is popularly known as 7 RCR. It is a cluster of 5 bungalows identified by numbers. 12 acres land houses them. The complex was built 35 years ago in 1980 in Luteyn's Delhi. It is said that bungalow 1 has a helipad. The complex is called 7 RCR because Bungalow 7 is the prime minister's official workplace, apart from his office in South Block. Bungalow 9 RCR is where the Special Protection Group (SPG), the elite force responsible for the prime minister's security, is housed. This bungalow has a tennis court. Nature's touch is said to be in the form of avenue of trees like Putranjiva, Gulmohar and Arjuna; enormous, well manicured lawns and feathered friends - including peacocks.

The Prime Minister's residence is equipped with amenities such as a power substation, All India Institute of Medical Sciences' team, an ambulance, a motorcade, an army of support staff and... a portable digital projector for private screening of movies! National Gallery of Modern Art takes care of the aesthetic appeal of 7 RCR. 

I would have loved to read more about 7 RCR - the place that hosts the key policy-makers during their respective tenures, the place where India's hopes reside. However, due to security reasons, not much information or photographs are available online. Here are just a few of them which I came across while searching online.

Image source: The Indian Express

Image source: CNN-IBN

Image source:

Information sources: Business Standard

Jay Hind!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Say Cheese :)

The United Nations annually observes May 15 as the International Day of Families. It was way back in 1994 when the UN thought of such an activity to raise awareness about the importance of families. Ever since the first International Day of Families was observed 20 years ago, the UN has been promoting studies about socio-economic and demographic trends that affect the families. The UN also encourages efforts to respond to challenges faced by families.

Not all of us may be aware of any of these activities carried out by the United Nations. None of us may celebrate today's UN-declared occasion. What we know, however, is to offer love and care to our family members, to make them proud with our success, to support them in difficult times and to build a happy and comfortable world for them. And when it comes to expressing our love for our family, any occasion is the perfect occasion and even the smallest random act of affection is the perfect way of conveying our feelings. 

Talking of family, love and care; the Interior Designer in me - owing to my designer's vision - couldn't resist myself from thinking about the most visible thing in the house that displays the family's affection: the family photo!

Technology has helped us come a long way from that era of black and white photos which displayed discipline in the family rather than affection to the digital era of candid photos. However, quite often, this advanced digital technology makes us keep our beautiful family photos to our devices. But the fact is, it's only when one attractively displays the photos that they look charming.

According to my observation, it is not only the family photo which has evolved over time but also the way it is displayed. There were certain conventional ways of displaying a family photo in the house - a nicely framed photo on the wall of a living room, two photos of husband and wife placed in a either side of a foldable photo frame kept in the showcase, a tiny golden colored family tree on which photos of all the family members hung like its fruits... and few more such standard ways. Today, thanks to advancement in the digital photography and printing technology, your interior designer can suggest you numerous interesting means of displaying your family photos. In fact, they integrate the family photo(s) in the home design itself.

While planning the perfect display of a family photo(s), decisions regarding the kind of wall paint to be used, whether to make use of any wall art, monochrome vs multicolored prints, the perfect spot in the house, other accessories and many other such aspects are considered by the Interior Designer. Because they know, incorporation of your candid pictures in the home design will truly turn the residence into your beautiful world.

So next time when you capture the happy mood of your family members in the camera or get it captured by a professional, don't just keep the pictures to your digital devices. Take prints, display them and give your residence the character of those who happily reside in there.

Say cheese, it's family day today :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Total Filmy Hai Boss

The news of 61st National Film Awards flashed on TV channels yesterday, making me realise that the Indian Cinema - or to put it more accurately, the biggest obsession of Indians (whether after or before cricket can be a debatable point) - completed 101 years yesterday! OMG! That's something!

There have been several generations of artists that have entertained, inspired, motivated and mesmerised millions of Indians over last 101 years. And our love for them has only grown with each passing year.

Indian cinema is more than just a mode of entertainment for us. It is a part of our lives. The clothes we wear, the way we celebrate our festivals and important occasions, the way we talk to our friends and many such aspects of our lives are in some or the other way influenced by Indian cinema. Believe it or not, films can influence the way we decorate our homes too. The eyes of an Interior Designer like me couldn't miss some novel and filmy ideas for home décor which I came across lately. Sharing some tips to turn a room of your house into a Bollywood corner.

Hand painted posters of Indian cinemas have always been admired by movie lovers. They are sold in some old shops in Chor Bazaar, Mumbai. Lately, these posters (or the printed ones which may be available online as well) are being considered as a decorative wall piece. It gives a vibrant look to the room. And if it is the room where you have set up your home theatre, nothing like a poster or a collage of them on one of the walls. Alternatively, one can have framed images of favourite film stars. Bollywood themed furnishings, especially cushions, are also available these days. One can decorate the room using such furnishings. Flaunt your collection of movies and music through attractive CD shelves. I have come across filmy coffee mugs and other merchandise in some shops, at a couple of stalls in Kala Ghoda Art Festival and even online. They can be smartly arranged in the room for that novel and dashing look. And lastly, have a nice magazine rack that stocks all the filmy magazines. With all these filmy home décor ideas in place, I am sure your visitors will surely exclaim 'total filmy hai boss!'.

Yunki, ye hum bola :

Friday, February 28, 2014

Kitchen - The Heart of The Home

We Indians are divided by different food cultures and are united by the love for their delicious outcomes. When I visited the CKP Food Festival in Thane and witnessed the tremendous response it received, I realized that 'the traditional, culinary classics' still rule our platters and hearts. We are also fond of those dishes that belong to other Indian food cultures. And nowadays, our hearts and platters have whole heartedly welcomed specialities from other parts of the world as well. It comes as no surprise then that in such a food loving country one of the most liked hobbies is cooking. And those who love cooking, love their kitchens!

When it comes to the kitchen, in almost every case, lady of the house is 'the boss'. Our experience at AAkruti Interiors says that for her, the kitchen is more than just a room. It is that place in the house where she pursues her passion, displays her managerial abilities and masters the skills and tricks to rule the hearts of her family members. Over the last few years of our interior designing experience, we have observed her thoughtful involvement in the decision-making process while setting or renovating the kitchen. Amenities, convenience, specifications related to colour and material and budget - all these and many more aspects are thoughtfully considered by her. We, too, have respected the significance her kitchen holds for her and have always successfully addressed the challenges of designing and developing the kitchen that accommodates all the amenities she desires while considering her convenience and aesthetic aspects.

The project that we have most recently accomplished is a kitchen that can be crowned as the most remarkable kitchens we have designed so far. We at AAkruti Interiors, designed the kitchen is such a manner that in spite of having lesser space there is a provision for built-in hob, chimney, microwave, idli batter maker, under counter RO water purifier, dish washer and other regular kitchen appliances. The platform is made up of a special material that enables shifting the whole platform if there arises a need to move to a newer residence. In addition to the main platform, a service platform is also incorporated in the kitchen to enable the helping hands function smoothly. Space for storage plays a crucial role in determining the utility of the kitchen. We not only provided our client with enough storage space but also installed slow motion baskets, drawers and pull-outs for storing some of the routinely required stuff. Such units get closed automatically with a gentle push - a bliss during the crazy rush every morning. To give the kitchen a novel look, a vertical rolling shutter has been installed. Bigger, chequered tiles that we used on the kitchen wall enabled to lessen the joints and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the kitchen. 

Like every other assignment, our aim for this project was to more than satisfy our client. We have tried our best for the 'wow' response... and we believe that we have succeeded. After all we know that the kitchen is the heart of the home where lady of the house serves love. 

To check out photos of this kitchen,
please visit our photo gallery

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Blossoms

Madhuri Dixit, in one of her most popular movies - Dil To Pagal Hai, explains with dreamy eyes to a friend of hers how romantically significant is the existence of a full moon on Valentine's Day to every romance-filled heart! Well, tonight we all can witness this sweet little coincidence. 

The role that nature plays in setting up the romantic mood is undeniable. And so is the fact that nature itself gets in the romantic mood... especially during spring.

Nature maybe playing havoc in certain parts of the world this spring. But it surely is in a very romantic mood here in 'Aamchi Mumbai'. Mercury has dropped to make us feel cozy, soothing breezes are setting the happy mood, streets are in the process of getting a complete make-over... thanks to the spring blossom and birds and squirrels are displaying their lovey-dovey behaviour. And how can we forget the surprise showers!

This is the best time to roam around in Mumbai. Exploring our own city during such pleasant weather can be fun. You can also lay back at home and enjoy this cozy atmosphere. But you got to be lucky for that... like me! I stay in a locality that is away from all the hubbub. My residence is situated on the third level of the building, letting me take a closer look at that level of the trees that holds housing societies or food joints of squirrels, robins and parrots. And to add to my luck, a space named balcony that's getting extinct from Mumbai, still exists in my residence. For a date with nature, I can simply stand in my balcony on a lazy Sunday afternoon and rejoice! If you have a swing in your balcony and small home garden of your own, nothing like it! If not a balcony, a nice comfy French window can do the magic. Sitting by the window and sipping some hot coffee with that special someone can not only revive your mood but also the love in your relationship. For an uninterrupted view of the spring blossom through your bungalow, you got to have full height windows with a coffee table and some exciting coffee table books by its side. 

Nature helps us keep the romance in our hearts alive. So when it comes to spring, the very season when nature is at its best... love blossoms :)

- Kalindi Amol Joshi

Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors
@ 9967534621