Amol Joshi, Interior Designer

Monday, December 30, 2013

नव्या वर्षाची नवलाई

आज रात्री… बाराच्या ठोक्याला… नेहमीप्रमाणे…  फक्त तारीख बदलेल. रोजच तर बदलते ती. दररोज दिनांक… दर ३०/३१ दिवसांनंतर महिना… आणि दर ३६५ दिवसांनंतर वर्ष. हे वर्ष बदलण मात्र आपण मोठ्या थाटात साजर करतो. वास्तविक, सरत्या वर्षामध्ये जे आपलं दैनंदिन जीवन असतं ते अगदी तसंच सुरु राहणार असतं येत्या वर्षामध्ये. ३६५ दिवस हा काही छोटा कालावधी नसला तरी बरेचदा त्या कालावधीमध्ये आपल्या आयुष्यात फार मोठा असा कोणताही बदल नसतो घडलेला. आणि जेव्हा केव्हा एखादा मोठा बदल घडतो तेव्हा ती तारीख काही १ जानेवारीच असते असेही काही नाही. तरीदेखील, नवीन वर्षाचं आगमन ही संकल्पनाच आपल्याला सुखावून जाते.

नाविन्याच अप्रूप संपूर्ण मानवजातीलाच आहे नाही का. त्यामुळेच असेल कदाचीत, नवीन वर्षाच आगमन हा आता एक जागतिक उत्सव झाला आहे. नोकरी-धंदा, स्वयंपाक-घरकाम, 'मॉल'-चित्रपट-नाटक… कशातही, कुठेही… तोच-तोचपणा आला कि आपल्याला नेहमीच कंटाळा येतो. म्हणूनच तर, 'नवीन काही आहे का?' हा प्रश्न न्याहारीपासून ते हाती पडलेल्या नव्या 'प्रोजेक्ट' पर्यंत आणि पुस्तकापासून ते कट्ट्यावरच्या गप्पांपर्यंत… कोणत्याही संदर्भात विचारला जाऊ शकतो. आणि ह्या प्रश्नाचं उत्तर जर होकारार्थी असेल तर मग तर क्या बात है!?!!! ती गोष्ट आपण दुप्पट उत्साहाने करतो.

आयुष्यातील नवीन टप्प्यांवर सगळीकडे आपोआप नाविन्याची झालर पसरते. परंतु असे बदल घडण्याची जेव्हा शक्यता नसते, तेव्हा आपल्यामधील उत्साह टिकवून ठेवण्यासाठी आपणच हे नाविन्य आपल्या आयुष्यात शोधून आणतो. नव्या-कोऱ्या कपड्यांच्या माध्यमातून येवो वा एखाद्या नवीन कलेचे ज्ञान प्राप्त करून येवो… नाविन्य आपल्या बरोबर हास्य, उत्साह आणि चैतन्य ह्या त्याच्या गोतावळ्याला सोबत घेऊनच आपल्या आयुष्यात प्रवेश करत.

अहो… साधं नवीन गाणं ऐकून अथवा नवीन पदार्थाची चव घेऊन खूष होणारं आपलं मन… नव्या-कोऱ्या, सुशोभित अशा वातावरणात किती आनंदी होईल बर! स्वतःच्या जुन्या खोलीमध्ये अचानक परी राण्या अवतरल्या भिंतींवर, कायमच्या वास्तव्यासाठी तर घरातील चिमुकलीचा आनंद गगनात मावणार नाही. वह्या-पुस्तकं, 'सी डिज' छान जपून, रचून ठेवता येतील असे कपाट, शांतचित्ताने अभ्यास करता येईल असे 'स्टडी टेबल' आले घरात तर अभ्यास करणं हादेखील एक आनंददायी अनुभव होइल. जुन्या, गोड आठवणींना उजाळा देता यावा ह्यासाठी 'फोटो फ्रेम्स' चा कोलाज रचला नव्याने 'बेडरूम' मध्ये तर नात्यातील गोडी वाढेल कि अजून. तुळशीवृन्दावन असो वा औषधी कोरफड, आजी-आजोबांच्या झाडांची छान, नीटनेटकी व्यवस्था झाली तर त्यांच्या 'पोस्ट-रिटायर्ड' आयुष्यात नवीन चैतन्य येइल. घराला दिलेला नवीन रंग असो वा स्वयंपाकघरातील नवीन रचना असो… ह्यात केलेला लहानसा बदलदेखील आपल्या 'मूड' वर मोठा परिणाम करून जातो. अहो, स्वानुभवातून सांगतो आहे हे. ग्राहकाला त्याच्या घरामध्ये अथवा 'ऑफीस'मध्ये समाधानकारक बदल करून देणे असं आमचं साधं-सोपं उद्दिष्ट कधीच नसत. ग्राहकाच्या, त्यांच्या कुटुंबियांच्या, कर्मचार्यांच्या चेहऱ्यावर हसू फुलवणे ह्या मुख्य उद्देशाने आल्हाददायक बदल घडवून आणण्याकडे  आमचा कल असतो. अर्थात हे करताना ग्राहकाच्या गरजांची आणि बांधकामाच्या मजबुतीला तडा न जाऊ देण्याचीदेखील काळजी घेतो आम्ही.

नवीन वर्षाच स्वागत आपण उत्साहाने कराल यात शंकाच नाही. त्याचबरोबरीने कदाचीत काही योजनाही आखाल येत्या वर्षासाठी. नवीन वर्षात घरामध्ये अथवा ऑफिसमध्ये 'रिनोवेशन' करण्याचा विचार असेल तर आकृती इंटिरियरर्स आपल्या सेवेस आनंदाने हजार होईल ह्याची खात्री बाळगा.

- Amol Vishwas Joshi
Interior Designer
AAkruti Interiors
Kandivli, Mumbai

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Décor Trivia

Christmas carols being played in the mall fill our ears with melody, attractive Christmas caps being sold at a traffic signal attract our attention, Christmas confectionery neatly displayed in the shops is hard to resist and the sight of Christmas tree being nicely decorated in the reception area of our workplace uplifts our mood. Santa Claus is roping us in the merry mood of Christmas. We can blame it on globalization, or on commercialization; but we cannot deny the fact that, irrespective of our religions, we all have gradually started appreciating and to some extent... knowingly or unknowingly... celebrating some interesting traditions of Christmas! And decorating a Christmas tree is one of those fondly adopted customs.

Some have it in their homes, some in their workplaces and some have it in the premises of their housing societies. However big or however small it may be, once neatly decorated; a Christmas tree adds charm to the place. If we come to think of it, it is the nature that we all respect in our own various ways - be it in the form of a 'toran' for Diwali or a 'pookalam' (floral 'rangoli') for Onam or the Christmas tree. In fact, the belief that 'evergreen trees like pine, fir and oak are symbols of divine strength for their ability to survive the harshest winters' is the key behind the tradition of Christmas tree. Historical references consider German revolutionist Martin Luther King as the man behind the tradition and Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert as those who popularised the tradition.

There always has been a debate over the use of an artificial tree as against the natural tree with pros and cons to each type of Christmas tree. If one wishes to get a real Christmas tree here in Mumbai, Araucaria is the variety available in our nurseries. One can also decorate any other already potted home garden plant if simply enjoying the Christmas mood is the motto. Traditionally, the Christmas tree was decorated with edibles like apples, nuts and dates. Today, a variety of ornaments are available that can be used to decorate the tree. And if one is a follower of 'reuse, reduce, recycle' policy; things like shirt buttons, newspapers and even ice-cream sticks can be nicely converted into Christmas tree ornaments. 

One of the essential ornaments of Christmas has always raised our curiosity as it is as weird a thing as a stocking. In spite of the fact that the stocking used for Christmas is specially made for the purpose, one still cannot stop wondering its significance. Well, there's an interesting fable behind it. St. Nicholas - the man behind Santa Claus - is believed to be an orphan of rich parents who later turned into a generous and kind bishop. He once, in the pursuit of helping a poor family, threw three bags of gold in a house through its window. One of the bags landed in a stocking hung to dry by a fireplace. The custom of filling up the stocking with gifts for the 'well-behaved' kids is a way of taking forward the saint's philosophy of 'giving and sharing'.

Many such interesting customs with equally interesting fables or beliefs behind them make Christmas an interesting festival. Not all of us may enjoy it in its full form. But we surely can get in the merry mood of Christmas and wish that Santa fills our stockings with joy, love, success, health and wealth. Let our spirits be as evergreen as the Christmas tree. And let our platters always be filled with delicacies of various kind. 

Merry Christmas

- Kalindi Amol Joshi


Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors

@ 9967534621

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hand Crafted Wonders of Kutch

Kutch - the rustic wonder of India - is where we had been to, last December. We stayed in 'Gateway To Rann Resort', Dhordo Village - situated a few miles away from India-Pakistan border. White desert -the world's largest salt desert - exists besides this village which is a marshland during monsoon and a land of shining white sand during winters and summer. It is absolutely devoid of any vegetation throughout the year. To expect a luxurious, five-star hospitality from a resort that survives such extreme geographical conditions would have been irrational. Hence, we had decided to enjoy what the resort could best offer - a taste of the local lifestyle. And we were not at all disappointed.

Rooms in our resort were mud huts - locally known as 'bhunga'. Each finely constructed, circular shaped mud hut represented a hotel room. They were similar in appearance to the dwellings of locals and were equipped with basic amenities to ensure a comfortable stay for the guests. Though simple they held the capability of making one fall in love with them, thanks to the attractive paintings and mirror work that decorated the exterior as well as the interior of each 'bhunga'.

Handicraft seems to be a way of life here. I feel that it is a way of cheerfully surviving the hardships for the locals. The otherwise monotonous surroundings come to life when the local women decorate their homes with a technique known as 'lippan kam'. Delicately carved wooden furniture brings home elegance. Household stuff decorated with lacquer work brings charm to the routine. Jewellery, knives, nutcrackers etc made of silver become a sign of richness. Artisans turn pieces of metals into sources of melody. And how can one forget the fabric - embroidered or block printed, decorated with 'bandhani' or 'rogan art'; whichever maybe the art - adds exuberance to the lives of 'Kutchis'.

We happened to visit Kutch when Gujarat Tourism Department was celebrating 'Rann Utsav'. Hence, we were lucky to find all of the handicrafts at one stop. It was easier for us to pick and buy handicrafts that we felt will give our interiors that ethnic look we always wanted. We got a moon shaped wind chyme that now brings out melody every time we swing our swing to which it is tied neatly. We got a dress with mirror work for me - perfect as an occasional wear. We got a tiny piece of mirror work - the characteristic of Kutch - which goes well as a car hanging. We got block printed bedsheets and cushion covers for our 'deewan set'. And last but not the least - we experienced an artistic wonder i.e. 'rogan art'.

Cosmopolitans like us design and decorate our residences using all the modern techniques and materials. Yet, these wonderful traditional handicrafts fit so well in our homes. All one needs is an artistic outlook to respectfully place the works of tribal or rural artists in the modern set up.

The blend of contemporary materials and techniques with traditional and ethnic handicrafts does wonders to the home interiors.

- Kalindi Amol Joshi 


Amol Vishwas Joshi - Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors

@ 9967534621



Saturday, October 26, 2013

आली रे आली, दिवाळी आली

दिवाळी म्हणजे, दिवाळी म्हणजे… दिवाळी असते
तुमची आणि आमची म्हणावं तर वेगळी, म्हणावं तर सेम असते

पावसाळा संपत आला कि तयार शेतमालाच्या रूपाने वर्षभराच्या मेहनतीचे फळ चाखण्यासाठी शेतकरी पूर्वीदेखील  सुसज्ज व्हायचा आणि आजदेखील होतो. त्याच्याच बरोबरीने, आजच्या काळात ह्या सुमारास, लहान-मोठ्या उद्योगांमधील उद्योजक व कर्मचारी आर्थिक वर्षातील पहिल्या सहा महिन्यांचा लेखा-जोखा घेत असतात. बरकत असेल तर नफा वा 'बोनस' अथवा 'इनसेनटीव' कमावून हि मंडळी आनंदात असतात. थोडक्यात काय, तर आर्थिक दृष्ट्या अश्विन व कार्तिक महिना पूर्वीदेखील महत्वाचा होता आणि आजदेखील आहे. आणि म्हणूनच… दिवाळी (एक धार्मिक सण ह्या नात्याने कमी, तर एक उत्सव म्हणून) पूर्वीदेखील जल्लोषात साजरी व्हायची आणि आतादेखील होते.

दिवाळी म्हणजे खरेदीचा सण, घर-सजावटीचा सण, रोषणाईचा सण, फराळाचा आणि आप्तेष्टांच्या गाठीभेटींचा सण.

साफ-सफाईची मोहीम हाती घेतली गेली कि समजत - आली दिवाळी. कौलांची, भिंतींची डागडुजी आणि जमिनीवर शेणाच लिंपण म्हणजे तेव्हाचं रिनोवेशन म्हणायला हरकत नाही, नाही? आता साफ-सफाईच्या बरोबरीने 'फ्लोअरिंग' बदलून घेणे, भिंतींना मनपसंत रंग अथवा 'वॉलपेपर' लावणे ई. हा दिवाळीच्या तयारीचाच एक भाग झाला आहे. नवीन चादरी, पडदे, उश्यांचे आभ्रे ह्या गोष्टींना तर दिवाळीत खास महत्व असते. फरक एवढाच आहे - पूर्वी ह्या गोष्टींना 'डीजायनरपणा' भरतकाम/ विणकाम ह्यामुळे येइ तर आता तो 'प्रॉडक्ट डिजायनरच्या' कृपेने येतो.

दिव्यांच्या सणासाठी पणत्यांची आरास तर आतादेखील होते, पण 'इलेक्ट्रिक' रोषणाईच्या बरोबरीने. घरगुती कंदिलाला आता ओरिसातील कापडी कंदिलापासून ते थेट चायनीज कंदिलापर्यंत अनेक पर्याय उपलब्ध आहेत. आणि ह्या सर्वांच्या सोबतीला असतात आकर्षक दिवे जे फक्त दिवाळीतच नाही तर नेहमीच घर प्रकाशमय ठेवत घराची शोभादेखील वाढवतात.

रांगोळीशिवाय दिवाळीची कल्पनाच नाही करता यायची पूर्वी. घरातील गृहिणीस वा कुमारीकेस 'आदर्श' वा 'सर्वगुणसंपन्न' असं बिरुद तेव्हाच मिळे जेव्हा ती इतर निकषांबरोबरच रांगोळीच्या निकषावर उत्तीर्ण होइ. रांगोळी काढण्याची कला अवगत असणारी आणि त्या कलेची आवड असणारी मंडळी आजदेखील  आहेत. मात्र दिवाळीनिमित्त घरात रंगांची पखरण करण्यासाठी आता फक्त रांगोळी ह्या कलेवर अवलंबून राहावे लागत नाही, एवढेच. घरातील भिंतींना मनपसंत रंग लावता येतो. दोन वा अधिक रंगांचा आणि 'टेक्श्चर' चा वापर करत घरातील प्रत्येक खोलीला आकर्षक बनवता येते. रंगसंगती अधिक आकर्षक करण्यासाठी 'वॉलपेपर', 'लॅमिनेट', 'पॅनेल' व 'टाइल्स' ई. ह्यांचा योग्य वापर खूपच उपयुक्त ठरतो.

फुलांची आरास, तोरण ह्यांच्या रूपाने पूर्वी घर सुशोभित केलं जायचं. आजदेखील झेंडूच तोरण दारी लागतच दिवाळीत. पण त्याचबरोबरीने घर-सजावटीसाठी उपलब्ध असलेल्या असंख्य पर्यायांचा मोठ्या हौसेने वापर केला जातो.

दिवाळीच्या फराळाला मात्र काही पर्याय नाही. चकली, चिवडा, करंजी, लाडू आणि शेव ह्या आणि अशा अनेक दिवाळीच्या खास पदार्थांचा आवडीने फडशा पाडला जातो ह्या दिवसांत - पूर्वीसारखाच. मात्र हा फराळ घरीच बनला असेल कि नाही ते काही सांगता नाही येत. बऱ्याचदा विकतचाच असतो फराळ.

कपड्या-दागिन्यांची हौस तशीच - पूर्वीसारखीच. मात्र कपड्यांची निवड आजच्या आवडीनुसार. शिवाय आजकाल 'स्मार्ट फोन' किंवा तत्सम उपकरणे हि दागिन्यांनइतकीच महत्वाची मानली जातात आणि त्याच थाटात मिरवली देखील जातात. त्यामुळे सराफाच्या दुकानाइतकीच गर्दी 'इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स' च्या दुकानात असते. उटण्याबरोबरच  मोती साबणसुद्धा महत्वाचा आता. आणि मिठाईच्या बरोबरीने 'चॉकलेट्स' व 'कुकीज' ह्यांना महत्व आले आहे. पारंपारिक थाट आणि नाविन्याची आस ह्याचा प्रत्यय येतो आता दिवाळीमध्ये.

शास्त्रीय/ सुगम संगीताच्या मैफिलीबरोबरच दिवाळीचा मुहूर्त साधत प्रदर्शित केलेला चित्रपट/ 'मॉल' मधील फेरफटका हे मनोरंजनाचे पारंपारिक व आधुनिक असे दोन्ही प्रकार उपलब्ध असतात आता. दिवाळीचा किल्ला हळूहळू दिसेनासा होऊ लागला आहे, पण दिवाळीच्या सुट्टीचे निमित्त साधून सुरु केलेली अनेक शिबिरे शाळकरी मुलांच्या कलागुणांना पैलू पाडण्याच काम करताना दिसतात.

जुन्या काळातील दिवाळी असो वा आत्ताच्या काळातील, ती साजरी करणारी पिढी आम्हा तरुणांची असो वा तुम्हा वडिलधाऱ्यांची; दिवाळीच्या निमित्ताने आप्तेष्टांबरोबर चार आनंदाचे क्षण उपभोगता यावेत हीच तर प्रत्येकाची इच्छा! आपली सर्वांचीच इच्छा पूर्ण होवो ही आशा करत तुम्हा सर्वांना दिवाळीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा देत आहे.

शुभ दीपावली

Wishing all our clients & well-wishers a Happy & Prosperous Diwali

- Amol Vishwas Joshi
Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors

Kandivli, Mumbai || 9967534621 ||

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Books - Reader's Delight

Wish to learn new things in life? Who can help you? Parents, teachers, google... and of course, books!

Wish to escape away? Who can help you? Siblings, friends, TV... and of course, books!

Wish to beat the stress? Wish to improve yourself? Who can help you? Here too, the list will remain incomplete if you don't add books to it!

Books are your friends when you feel lonely. Books are your teachers when you wish to learn something new. Books are your mentors when you wish to improve certain aspects of your life. Books are your partners in adventure when you wish to explore fascinating tales, places and cultures. Books are time machines when you wish to delve deep into the history. Books are the lighthouse when you wish to understand the current scenario better. Books are the advisers who guide you to land safely and successfully in future. A book can be your friend, it can be your guide or it can also be your philosopher! 

Striking a chord with the confused protagonist of an exciting romantic comedy! Keeping behind the stress filled day to solve the nail biting murder mystery! Exploring the world miles away from that of yours while sipping a cup of hot and refreshing coffee! Getting inspired with astounding success stories of heroes from the past! That feeling of satisfaction to find the author empathising with you! That excitement when you find the perfect recipe to multiply your joy! As you turn the pages, various feelings unlock in your mind... and you are transferred into a whole new world and transformed into a whole new and improvised personality!

If books are missing from your life, you are missing a lot in your life.

AAkruti Interiors recently got a chance to develop furniture for a study room.The client (who resides in Lokhandwala, Kandivli (East)) is fond of reading. Hence, we were not surprised to know that his requirements include a seating by window. A nice, comfortable seating by window in your very own study room! I bet, that's the best 'my corner' in a house for every book lover - to peacefully escape into the world of printed (or may be digitised) words. Happy reading my friends! 

To Develop Your Very Own Library Or A Study Room, Please Do Contact
Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors
On 9967534621 Or

Saturday, September 7, 2013

गणपती बाप्पा मोरया

"ह्या वर्षी कोणा - कोणाकडून आमंत्रण आहे गणपतीच?" - मी

आमंत्रणांचा मनातल्या मनात हिशोब मांडत अमोल किती जणांकडे जाऊन यायच आहे ते सांगतो. कोणा -कोणाकडे दीड दिवसाचे गणपती आहेत हि माहिती देखील पुरवतो. 

"दुपारी ३ वाजता निघूयात घरुन. आधी अंधेरीला जाउ, तिथून बोरीवली आणि शेवटी चारकोप." - अमोल 

"चालेल. पार्ल्याला आणि दादरला नंतर जाउ. पहिल्या दिवशी दीड दिवसाच्या गणपतींच दर्शन महत्वाच." - मी 


रक्षाबंधन आणि दहीहंडी हे सण साजरे झाले कि मुंबईला वेध लागतात गणेशोत्सवाचे. बाजार मखर आणि इतर सजावटीच्या साहित्याने फुलून निघतो. जागोजागी सार्वजनिक गणेश मंडळांचे मंडप तसेच गणेशमूर्ती विक्रेत्यांचे मंडप दिसू लागतात. गणेशभक्तांच्या घरी पोहोचण्याची वाट बघत असलेल्या अनेक सुबक गणेशमुर्त्या अशा मंडपांमध्ये रचून ठेवलेल्या दिसू लागतात. अन मग आमचे दोघांचे वरीलप्रमाणे संवाद सुरु होतात. 

आमंत्रणे अंधेरी पासून डोंबिवलीपर्यंत कुठूनही असण्याची शक्यता असते. काही जणांकडे अगदी दर वर्षी येतात गणपती, तर काही जणांकडे त्यांच्या इतर नातलगांकडे हजेरी लावून झाल्यानंतर ठराविक वर्षांनी गणपती बाप्पांचे आगमन होते. दरवर्षी साधारण तीन-चार आमंत्रणे अपेक्षित असतात. त्यामुळे आमच्या दोन्ही घरी गणपती बाप्पा येत नसले तरीही आम्ही आप्तेष्टांकडे बाप्पाच दर्शन घेत-घेत हा सण अगदी थाटात साजरा करतो. 

आजकालच्या धकाधकीच्या जीवनात आप्तेष्टांना भेटण्याचा योग एखाद्या रविवारीच येतो. आणि त्या दिवशी ऑफिसच्या कामाबरोबरच घरातील कामालादेखील सुट्टी असावी असा विचार करत एखाद्या छानश्या हॉटेलमध्ये भेटण्याकडे कल असतो सर्वांचा. त्यामुळे एकमेकांच्या घरी जाण्याचे प्रसंग कमीच येतात. गणेशोत्सवामध्ये मात्र एकमेकांकडे आवर्जून जाण-येण होत. घरातील सर्वच मंडळींशी भेट होते. गप्पा होतात. दर्शनाला आलेल्या इतर पाहुणेमंडळींशी ओळख होते. आपलेपणा वाढतो. यजमान मंडळींना येणाऱ्या-जाणाऱ्यांच आगत-स्वागत करून आनंद मिळतो तर पाहुणेमंडळीना गणेशोत्सवानिमित्त नटलेल्या-सजलेल्या घरी उत्साही यजमानांना भेटून छान वाटत. अप्तेष्टांबरोबरचे आपले नातेसंबंध घट्ट व्हायला असे सण आणि उत्सव नक्कीच मदत करतात. भेटीगाठींच्या आड येणारे कामकाजाचे अडथळेच विघ्नहर्ता काही काळासाठी का होईना दूर करतो गणेशोत्सवादरम्यान!

गणेश चतुर्थीला गणपती बाप्पाच्या स्वागताबरोबरच आपण उत्साही वातावरणाच, गोड-धोड पक्वान्नाच, स्वच्छतेच, सौंदर्याच आणि आपलेपणाचदेखील स्वागत करत असतो. जोपर्यंत देवबाप्पाला भक्त, मोदकाला खवय्ये, सजावटीला दाद, आरती म्हणण्यासाठी साथ आणि आनंद द्विगुणीत करण्यासाठी आपल्या माणसांचा सहवास लाभत नाही तोपर्यंत गणेशोत्सव साजरा केला अस म्हणता येण जरा अवघडच, नाही का?

तेव्हा ह्या वर्षीदेखील आपणा सर्वांचा गणेशोत्सव उत्साहात, आनंदात आणि आप्तेष्टांच्या सहवासात साजरा होवो हि सदिच्छा!

गणपती बाप्पा मोरया!!!!!!!

- Let your residence be ever ready for celebrations, to welcome loved ones and to share love and fun filled moments with them.

For a perfect makeover of your residence - contact:
Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors on 9967534621

Need-based and choice-based renovation is the motto of AAkruti Interiors.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Green Gift

'Rakshabandhan' is the day of expressing love and care. It is one of those occasions when families get together to share fun and love filled moemnts, good food and nice gifts. Selection of the most beutiful 'rakhi' for brother and most beautiful gift for sister are those shopping experiences which one always looks forward to. The delight in the sister's eyes upon unwrapping the gift and the pride with which brother flaunts his 'rakhi' are those feelings which help strengthen the relationships.

Gifts surely play an important role not only on such occasions as 'rakshabandhan' or 'bhaubij' but also on many other events. There is a practical point of view put forth by many which advocates cash gifts. Yes, cash gift is surely the most useful gift one can receive and utilize it as and when needed. But then... it lacks the charm. I once read a statement made in an advertisement that said - after a while, she will not recognize which of those notes in her purse is yours.

The real fun begins with guessing what will your loved one like. And then comes the exciting hunt for getting what you think will excite your loved one. The better you know his or her choices more the chances of you buying the perfect gift for your loved one. The best part is when you reveal the gift and see the delight in your loved one's eyes.

If gifts play such an important role in our relationships, then why not think of something that truly has a personal touch? And in case of what I am talking about, there is not only a personal touch but also the Midas touch of nature.

Gardening is my uncle's favourite hobby. He had planted adenium in his home garden even before I was born. A few months before last year's 'diwali', he gave me seeds from the pod that grew on his 30 years old plant. I sowed the seeds and to my delight, many of them germinated. Several seedlings emerged from the soil. Most of them survived and within few days the pot had 4-5 tiny adeniums. They looked delicate. I knew they are slow growers. But at the same time I was also aware of how big they can get once they fully grow. In spite of being fond of plants and gardening, I wasn't sure if I could grow all the 4-5 plants in my home garden. Hence, I decided to offer them as gifts to Amol's cousins on occasion of 'bhaubij'. The botany department of my college needs to be thanked for this idea. They used to arrange potted, decorative plants as gifts for chief guests to important functions.

All it took us to prepare our green gifts were 3 small, rectangular pots and some efforts to transplant the tiny adeniums into these smaller pots. Amol's cousins happily received the gift. They all have carefully placed their respective pots in their home gardens. Our plants have become taller and greener this monsoon. We are eagerly awaiting for them to blossom. Whenever they do, they will beautify our homes and our relation!

- Kalindi Amol Joshi 
With Amol Vishwas Joshi (Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors, Kandivli, Mumbai)

Whenever you need services of an Interior Designer to renovate your residence or develop your work space, please do contact us on 9967534621. For more details, visit us our Facebook page. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013


They come in all shapes and sizes. They display all sorts of behavioral traits. They exhibit various choices and express various viewpoints. They come from all walks of life. They meet us at every expected and sometimes unexpected twist and turn of our life. Their presence adds a variety of flavors to our life. And their absence! Well, their absence will turn our life into a ‘sugarless cutting chai’.

School days couldn’t have been memorable without hide-and-seek during recess, cross and zero during ‘off period’, ‘antakshari’ in the school bus and competition to come up with the best ‘modern art’ on the last page of notebook. Summer vacations couldn’t have been enjoyable without ‘galli’ cricket, badminton, carom, cycling and snake-and-ladder. The already difficult mathematical problems would have turned more difficult without the fun-filled group studies. Who would have taught us to pipette out acid without sipping in. Experiments in the laboratory, journal completion in the library, information browsing for assignments and tallying the notes before examinations- all these and many such academic endeavors are worth remembering today because we had the best of buddies in college then. And yes, how can I forget the non-academic ventures. The partners in crime taught us fun in bunking, flirting, roaming and dancing. Ginger flavored ‘cutting chai’, shared plate of ‘misal pav’, hunt for a perfect candidate for the valuable rose, annual festivals and study-less study tours- nothing would have been worth enjoying if we didn’t have some crazy pals to multiply the excitement. Why would we look forward to monsoon if we never had friends who were always eager to go out to climb an old fort? The deadlines would have truly killed us if didn’t have friends at workplace to reduce our workload and stress. Don’t our ‘train friends’ make the daily traveling less tiresome?  What makes the ‘young at heart’ take up their morning-evening sessions so religiously- concern for health or company of friends? Wherever we go, whatever we do… we need friends to double our joys and divide our sorrows.

Life moves on, each phase passes to make way for a new one. Duties multiply, priorities change, geography doesn’t always cooperate and commitments come in the way of meeting old buddies. ‘Friendship Day’ is the perfect occasion to tell all old and new friends, how colorful our life is because of their presence. The moments of togetherness with some of them might have been less, but they have surely left their own colorful mark on our canvas. It is the occasion to convey our good wishes to them. And if we are luckier with the rest few who still stay in the same city as ours, who still keep meeting us and we still keep searching for a commitment-free weekend to meet them; then it is also the occasion to wish that our friendship keeps growing with each passing year - like the flavor of a vintage wine.

Cheers to all old and new friends!!!

Happy Friendship Day.

- Kalindi Amol Joshi

With Amol Vishwas Joshi (Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors, Kandivli, Mumbai)

If planning to renovate your residence/ workplace, please contact us on 9967534621.
For further details, please click here -->>

Sunday, July 21, 2013

गुरुपौर्णिमेच्या निमित्ताने - आपल्यामधील विद्यार्थ्याबद्दल

आज गुरुपौर्णिमा- आपल्या गुरुजनांविषयी कृतज्ञता व्यक्क्त करण्याचा दिवस .

आपले आई-वडिल, आजी-आजोबा, थोरली भावंड, वडिलधारी मंडळी हया सर्वांकडून विविध लहान-मोठया गोष्टी शिकत-शिकत आपण शाळेमध्ये प्रवेश करतो. तिथे आपल्या आयुष्यात आपल्या पहिल्या वर्गशिक्षिका दाखल होतात (पहिल्याच खेपेस वर्गशिक्षक येण्याची शक्यता खूपच कमी). अ, , , ड (अथवा  ए, बी, सी, डी) शिकत-शिकत आपली गाडी पाढे, शिवाजी महाराज, स्वातंत्र्यलढा, बीजगणित, सुभाषिते, रासायनीक समीकरणे अशा अनेक स्टेशनांना पार करत-करत बारावीपर्यंत येऊन ठेपते. पुढे उच्चशिक्षण घेताना अनेक तज्ञांचे मार्गदर्शन आपल्याला लाभते. त्याचा लाभ घेत आपण दुनियादारीसाठी सज्ज होतो. ह्या टप्प्यावर आपल्या (पेशाने शिक्षक असलेल्या) गुरूंच्या आणि आपल्या वाटा वेगळ्या होतात. इथवरच्या प्रवासात आपल्यावर शिक्षणाचे संस्कार करणाऱ्या शिक्षकांचा मोठा हातभार असतो. पुढील प्रवासात त्यांची शिकवण व त्यांचे संस्कार आपल्यासोबत असतात.

स्वतःचा विषय शिकवता-शिकवता प्रत्येक गुरु आपापल्या पद्धतीने अजून एक गोष्ट आपल्याला शिकवतात – ती म्हणजे स्वतः स्वतःचे शिक्षक कसे बनावे व त्याच बरोबर सतत विद्यार्थीदशेत का राहावे. कारण त्यांना माहित असते की एकदा का औपचारिक शिक्षण संपले की प्रत्येक अडी-अडचणीच्या वेळी आपल्याला स्वतःच स्वतःचे शिक्षक बनावे लागते किंवा एखाद्या जाणकार व्यक्तीचे मार्गदर्शन पुढाकार घेऊन मिळवावे लागते. चार-चारदा, प्रेमाने समजल ना बाळांनो तुम्हाला अस विचारत नाही कोणी. आपल्यातल्या विद्यार्थ्याला जिवंत ठेवावे लागते आणि पुस्तके, इंटरनेट, प्रसारमाध्यमे आणि स्वानुभव ह्यांच्या सहाय्याने नवीन गोष्टी शिकाव्या लागतात. तसेच काही प्रसंगी मित्र-मैत्रिणी, सहकर्मचारी, नवरा/बायको, वडिलधारी मंडळी अथवा वरिष्ठ अशा त्या-त्या वेळी योग्य व्यक्तीस गुरु मानावे लागते. ज्यांना हे सर्व जमतं त्यांचा सर्वांगीण विकास होतो.

काही दिवसांपूर्वी एका एकदिवसीय कोर्सच्या निमित्ताने हे विचार आले माझ्या मनात. नवीन काहीतरी शिकण्याच्या उद्देशाने विविध वायोगटामधील व्यक्ती सहभागी झाल्या होत्या. विषय काही पुस्तकी नव्हता आणि प्रशिक्षक त्या विषयातील जाणकार व अनुभवी होते. त्यांनी अगदी सुरुवातीलाच सांगितले की ज्या स्लाईड्स मी समोर दाखवणार आहे त्यातील प्रत्येक शब्द उतरवून घेऊ नका, नंतर नोटस्‌ देण्यात येतील. ही प्रस्तावना झाल्यानंतर, उशीर झाल्यामुळे, एका मध्यमवयीन सहभागीनीने प्रवेश केला. माझ्याच शेजारच्या रिकाम्या खुर्चीत त्या घाई-घाईत आसनस्थ झाल्या. सर्व जण काय करत आहेत, प्रशिक्षक काय बोलत आहेत ह्या कडे जराही लक्ष न देता, स्लाईड वरील शब्द न् शब्द उतरवून काढू लागल्या. प्रशिक्षकांच्या हे लक्षात येताच त्यांनी लगेचच त्यांना तसे करण्यापासून थांबवले व आपली प्रस्तावना पुन्हा एकदा दिली. ह्यानंतरही एक दोघांनी ‘तुम्ही जे सांगत आहात त्याच्या नोटस्‌ नंतर नक्की द्याल ना’ असं दोन-तीनदा विचारत खात्री करून घेतली. समोरची व्यक्ती जे सांगते आहे ते आपण ऐकून, त्यावर विचार करून नवीन विषय समजून घेउ शकतो ह्याची खात्रीच नव्हती बहुदा त्यांना. उजळणी म्हणून अथवा काही दिवसांनी जेव्हा विसर पडला असेल तेव्हा सर्व नीट आठवण्यासाठी नोट्स व आत्ता समजून घेण्यासाठी डोळे, कान व मेंदू ह्या सरळ-साध्या गोष्टी का लक्षात नाही आल्या त्यांच्या? नवीन गोष्टी शिकण्यासाठी ज्ञानेंद्रिये कायम कार्यरत असू दयावीत ही आपल्या गुरूंची शिकवण का विसरतो आपण ?

वरील घटना तशी साधीशीच आहे, पण आपल्या गुरुजनांच्या ‘स्वतःमधील विद्यार्थ्याला नेहमीच जीवंत व सतर्क ठेवावे’ ह्या शिकवणीची आठवण करून देणारी आहे.

आज गुरुपोर्णिमेच्या मुहूर्तावर आपल्या गुरुजनांबददल कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करत तुमच्या समोर हे विचार मांडावेसे वाटले म्हणून हा ब्लॉगचा खटाटोप.

गुरुपौर्णिमेच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा !!!!      

- Kalindi Joshi
With Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors, Kandivli, Mumbai 
    9967534621, For more details, click here -->>

Monday, July 1, 2013

Back To School

While chatting on What's App, a friend of mine shared her son's photograph. He was all dressed up for his first day of primary school. His neatly ironed school uniform, colourful umbrella, water bottle, all-season footwear... everything took me back to my school days. And it also made me realize that sooner or later, me and Amol and most of our friends are going to return to school- as parents this time! The efforts our parents had taken to make us sit at one place and solve some mathematical problems or to make us learn the tables by heart or to make us complete those work books were commendable. Seeing us take similar efforts is going to be amusing for them. Life is about to come a full circle!

It all begins with our first day of school, or sometimes even before that- if you have had elder siblings or neighbouring friends whom you saw going to school everyday. We do not remember now, what and how much we understood then as toddlers at age 2 or so; but looking at the kids that age now, makes us realize that even we would have been super excited with the idea of getting some new and attractive things of our own, even at such tender age. Of course, it was not the age to understand that once you own these new wonders you will be made to sit away from your parents for 4 odd hours with kids who own more attractive stuff than you do. So most of the times, we have ended up among a bunch of sobbing, screaming, crying classmates to be one of them. Those must have been the trying times for our parents. Later on, as we must have got used to the school routine;  the next big trouble our parents must have faced is making us do the homework. And more importantly, to make us sit still for completing our studies. The entry of colourful, attractive yet tiny study table in our house must have been one of their efforts for making us complete our tasks. No matter how short may be its life in terms of usage, such tiny study tables do enter our homes at such early stages of our academic lives.

As we grow a little older, the size of our study table and more importantly, that of the cupboard that encloses all our toys, increases gradually. Our parents need to make some arrangement to organize the cute little mess of our note books, text books, work books, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, colour pencils, drawing books, wax crayons, playing wax, adhesives, scissors, crape papers and what not! As we grow older and join the secondary school, we start learning newer things like cricket, football, harmonium, guitar, calligraphy... Whatever we learn, it ends up getting some new stuff to our homes. And along with managing our studies (or making us manage our studies) and encouraging us for acquiring newer skills; they also need to manage these new entrants in the house. Older toys find a way in a less privileged kid's home and they make space for a cricket kit or a harmonium or may be a guitar. Days pass by and you enter standard 10.

Tenth standard has always had its own significance in the academic life of every student. We have seen our parents take all sorts efforts for us when we were in 10th. They wanted only the best for us -the best question banks, the best coaching classes, the best stationary- whatever they could do, whatever they could afford was done by them for us. These days, as per parents' capabilities, they are seen helping their std. 10 son or daughter with amenities such as air conditioned study rooms, latest laptops or a brand new study table. The story of std. 12 is not much different. 

The real fun begins when you enter the college. Availability of your space for studies becomes parents' necessity as much as yours- thanks to the assignments for which you burn the midnight oil. Some of us need drafting tables then while some of us need space for heavy reference books. Some of us need space for keeping special apparatus like cameras or canvas or even the knife box depending upon the professional course chosen. The requirements are weird at times during this stage. My sister needed drawers to keep her A1 sized drawing sheets while doing architecture. Hence my father got a customised study table designed for her. The A1 sized drawing sheets bothered Amol as well when he was pursuing interior designing. A special folding table was  developed for him so that he could complete his assignments comfortably. I used to buy or borrow loads of heavy books during college days which obviously needed more space. We got a mini-library developed in our living room to accommodate them. My cousin- an IT scholar, needed a PC of his own while others in his family shared another PC. With the growing significance of information technology with respect to higher studies, this has become a common practise in many households. Making space for two PCs is quite a task especially in residences in Mumbai. Unique needs, unique study habits and several memories are attached with the study tables that witness our college days. 

The photograph of my friend's son took me down memory lane. Student phase is a significant phase in one's life. Parent's efforts to make it more conducive play a crucial role. Probably that's why I can fondly look back to the good old days today. 

- Kalindi Joshi
With Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors

Whether you need a customised PC unit developed for your son or a customised book shelf set up for your daughter or a complete renovation of the study room of your kids; you can contact:

* Amol Vishwas Joshi, Inerior Designer, AAkruti Interiors, Kandivli, Mumbai * 
@ 9967534621 @ For more details, click here -->>