Amol Joshi, Interior Designer

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Books - Reader's Delight

Wish to learn new things in life? Who can help you? Parents, teachers, google... and of course, books!

Wish to escape away? Who can help you? Siblings, friends, TV... and of course, books!

Wish to beat the stress? Wish to improve yourself? Who can help you? Here too, the list will remain incomplete if you don't add books to it!

Books are your friends when you feel lonely. Books are your teachers when you wish to learn something new. Books are your mentors when you wish to improve certain aspects of your life. Books are your partners in adventure when you wish to explore fascinating tales, places and cultures. Books are time machines when you wish to delve deep into the history. Books are the lighthouse when you wish to understand the current scenario better. Books are the advisers who guide you to land safely and successfully in future. A book can be your friend, it can be your guide or it can also be your philosopher! 

Striking a chord with the confused protagonist of an exciting romantic comedy! Keeping behind the stress filled day to solve the nail biting murder mystery! Exploring the world miles away from that of yours while sipping a cup of hot and refreshing coffee! Getting inspired with astounding success stories of heroes from the past! That feeling of satisfaction to find the author empathising with you! That excitement when you find the perfect recipe to multiply your joy! As you turn the pages, various feelings unlock in your mind... and you are transferred into a whole new world and transformed into a whole new and improvised personality!

If books are missing from your life, you are missing a lot in your life.

AAkruti Interiors recently got a chance to develop furniture for a study room.The client (who resides in Lokhandwala, Kandivli (East)) is fond of reading. Hence, we were not surprised to know that his requirements include a seating by window. A nice, comfortable seating by window in your very own study room! I bet, that's the best 'my corner' in a house for every book lover - to peacefully escape into the world of printed (or may be digitised) words. Happy reading my friends! 

To Develop Your Very Own Library Or A Study Room, Please Do Contact
Amol Vishwas Joshi, Interior Designer, AAkruti Interiors
On 9967534621 Or

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